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Google AdSense and Keywords: How Did I Get PAID This Much Money?

Updated on June 22, 2016
So you kept at it and you made some money, but now what?
So you kept at it and you made some money, but now what?

Getting Paid Money

Google AdSense and how to make money with it, is a popular subject and for many writers who publish online articles and it is because it is the main source of income for their hubs. This is a time where quality counts for a lot of things when dealing with AdSense or other affiliate programs. There are other sources, such as amazon and eBay but this is the one that makes most people some earnings over time. Or at least in terms of comments about how much or how little one is making money on it.

One thing: You need to sit down and publish a hub or two before this will help you-- and you will have to make them of as high a quality as you can. Saying that you don't make any money and don't have a single hub published will not help you make money. If you have a great profile and nothing published you will be unable to make a profit on your hubpages profile. This really means that you will not a earn a cent, it won't; you can only make money if you have a hub already published, and one which is considered quality content. You need something published to make money and to get money from Google AdSense. So no hubs or blogs or website, you won't get a penny.

Okay? End of that rant.

If you want to make a lot of money in this business you will also need to think about such things as linking and SEO and how to build that online empire. That comes in the future but right now you need to make money.

Google Uses Keywords, and This makes you Money: This is important google uses keywords to rank a hub or a website or a blog or anything. Which is why you'll often find people saying you need many hubs to get something going. A domino effect of interrelated hubs with useful information on each one that people can find within your links.  The more traffic the more likely you'll get clicks which makes the money.

I'd also add one more thing learn about keywords.

Keywords are the foundation that google uses to find your hub but it not the only way that search engines can find your hub.  It will just take longer. A good beginning to learn about keywords is to go to google AdWords and look around. The basic idea for keywords are there. There is some value in this as it does give an idea how much keywords are "worth."

So what does this mean to you?

Simple if you have a good hub with good keywords, people will be able to find you hub and click on your ads and you will at some point get a payout. Here is the important thing, the money you get from clicks can range from nothing (zero) to as high as $100 (so I've heard) dependant on the type of keywords used.

Google AdWords and AdSense do work well together, but only if you take some time to learn about both of them. Yes You can scream "I got paid!", but what does this mean to you if it's only a few cents every other day or week? Learn about Google AdWords and AdSense so that you can make the most of a monthly pay out. What this means is by learning about keywords, you are learning how people think.

Keyword Research and Knowing What Works

Some Keywords Might Seem Good But: Have you noticed that you can have say 8 or 9 blogs and hubs and that if you look at the content and the traffic, and all things being equal, what you get paid out still doesn't make much sense? for example a hub might make $10 a day but your blog might make $10 a month, yet it is one the same topic!

AdSense is a bit of a strange beast, you can make all sorts of plans about making money from it, but the fact remains that if you don't have a great title, great content and basic knowledge of both Google AdWords and AdSense and hubpages, you are lost.

There is a thing called hub stats, this is a beginning (find it and look at it). Learn about all the sections, it can tell you where your traffic to each hub is coming from, but also give you a good idea of links and how well traffic is coming and going on a hub. Still keywords (or tags on hubpages) are vital.

But wait, if you go on AdWords, as most people at some point will, you can find out roughly how much each keywords are "worth" some will say they can make $20.00 a click, which seems like a good thing. Reality time here: Most hubs will not make that much money, the competition is way too high for some of these words. So while you might make .50 cents on a click based on that keyword, odds are you won't get $20.00 for a long, long long time.

So plan to do a bit more keyword research and hub optimizing before getting too excited.

KeyWords: I know something... Still

See results

Google AdSense, Google Ad Sense, Google AdSence, Keywords and More: See the things I've done here? Notice something? Well maybe or maybe not.

These are all keywords, and some one somewhere will probably use each of these keywords to find what they are looking for. Most people will write google AdSense, but if you type it phonetically then it might be Spelled as "google AdSence" or "google Ad Sense." I am referring to keywords here, not money.

You might get more traffic by having a good quality hub with a few variations to the usual spelling of certain "common" keywords, but this might not lead you to clicks or more money. Then again done in an usual way it just might. It is a business and people are learning fast.

So why do people put as a keyword something like "make money" instead of "how to make money" or "make money online"? In one regard a "vague" keyword will help them, but in the long run it might hurt their chances of making money since it is so wide, maybe in terms of less traffic and less clicks. It might not get them a first page ranking.

The other thing is that while some will use a variation of misspelled keywords, they do not think that most people spell things properly, and often Google will redirect to the correct spelling, so you must use a keyword tool to find out if it is a "dream payout keyword" or a keyword which can over time make you money with AdSense.

Rules Change

Google Has, Can and Will Change the Rules:This is a big fact, Google, the company, is well known to change the rules of the game, which is why one month you can make money, but the next month you wonder where half of your traffic went off to. It didn't it simply can't find you at the moment. This happened with previous updates and will happen again

Some used to suggest things like putting a few keywords time and again into your writing, but this isn't great advice anymore, or write short and sweet for everything. Or write something of great length. All this to get a first page ranking on the Google search engines.

All well and good, but remember that six months from now Google might change the "rules" of the game. AdSense is a great thing and so is AdWords but if you want to get paid and paid well, basics come into play.

There is nothing more basic than keywords. Or a bit of ESP. Think like a business person, and this might help. Still quality content will win over simple keyword and poor content.

So, keep writing, remember to use your head and learn about keywords, and surprise you might one day scream out (positively) I got PAID this much Money??? Hold On a minute! This is Great!


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